I have to tell you how amazing it is for Kit and I to be coming back to Sugarloaf full-time!
We are feeling very blessed right about now - our Augusta appointment would have required us to live separately for the next year - and we are just about speechless at this opportunity to come back home...in case you missed it, here's a brief introduction:
...and I get to continue to participate with SUMC in growing spiritual formation among our adult population to the place it needs to be!
Some things to look for as we move forward:
In July:
Trainings – there will be an information meeting and training for Grow Group facilitators/hosts. We will be adding new groups in the fall.
Also in July, I will begin a monthly training for anyone who is interested in learning more about group dynamics, group facilitation, caregiving in the group context and other leader-focused topics. This is open to all group leaders or anyone in the church interested in facilitating or hosting groups.
Grow Group event is in the works!
This will be a time to bring together the active Grow Groups and share our stories about how God is moving among us!
This will be a time to bring together the active Grow Groups and share our stories about how God is moving among us!
In August:
Grouplink – August 17th is the date for Grouplink. This is the date Sugarloaf KIDS come back as well.
There is much for us to move towards as we continue to seek to grow our faith together for His glory! Please keep us in prayer!!