This group will be using two studies this winter/spring:
Standing Firm in These Last Days by Kay Arthur&
Jonah by Priscilla Shirer
Further information:
Standing Firm in These Last Days by Kay Arthur:
Jesus is coming soon! Many Christians feel inadequate and worry about this event. By delving into and applying the wisdom the apostle Paul shares with the Thessalonians, they can become confident in their walk with God.
Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted - Member Book by Priscilla Shirer:
This study provides a personal study experience five days a week, leader helps, and viewer guides for the group video sessions of this in-depth women's Bible study.What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this 7-session Bible study, Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.
This study provides a personal study experience five days a week, leader helps, and viewer guides for the group video sessions of this in-depth women's Bible study.What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this 7-session Bible study, Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.
Faciliator: Kristin Norton and Robin Auer
Time: Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:30am
Location: Rec Center
Childcare: No childcare is available
Contact: Kristin Norton at or Robin Auer at for more information